Monday, May 6, 2013

Philosophy and Reality


I'm writing to you tonight from my childhood home in New Jersey because my father died yesterday.  It was sudden, unexpected, and blessedly quick.  I'll need to be here for a few days, needless to say.  It also goes without say that I'll be doing a lot of personal philosophical reflecting and coping.

As for your work, I don't think a sub needs to say much of anything to you.  You have all of the directions and now you have the time.  Between today and tomorrow you should have a first draft together, or at least a clear path to one.  I'm hoping you are all in good shape with your research and writing because I'm afraid I won't be able to offer much assistance this week.  But the way you have all been working, I have every confidence you'll be just fine.  No, more than fine - these projects are going to be something truly special.

I wish you good focus and a steady stream of words and thoughts.

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