Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Final work day


Things here continue to be difficult but I have been comforted by so many friends and family - I can't imagine not having all of that support.

A very hard part of it for me is not being there with you during this week.  Today is the last class day you will have to work on it.  Please be sure to read the "planning and expectations" step for today on the planning and expectations handout ( you can click on that to see it).

The paper is due Monday. Because of the nature of the assignment - many of you may have it saved as multiple documents - I'll just have you turn it in on paper.  Even if you are not in class or school I need to have it on Monday.  Students who miss that date for any reason should assume they will be taking a final.

I didn't mean for that last part to sound so unpleasant - I just wanted to be clear.  The reality is I am so very excited for you, and I'm sure you are too, to complete this project and to read what you have to say.  I'm very much looking forward to seeing you all again for our final few days together.

Wishing you deep thoughts and the skills to articulate them clearly - knowing you all have both of these.

Mr. Rigler

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