Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Last two days

I'm still in New Jersey and will be here for the rest of the week.
I'm sure you are all working hard and I'm sorry I can't be there with you.
Hopefully you are using each other or conferencing with people in the ARC or other teachers if you need.
I'll try to answer questions by e-mail over the next day or so.
Otherwise, keep following the steps as you move to the final version of your essay.
For today, some things to keep in mind:

  • - Examine and re-consider the structure and flow of your essay.  Do the different questions, and your “answers” to them, build onto each other?  By the end of each section, is there a clear sense of what all of the terms mean, and what ideas you are advancing about the philosophical question?  
    - Share your paper with several other people – do they understand what you are expressing?  Are your points clear?
    - Think about all of the questions I typically ask you, and the feedback you received on other assignments from the year.

    Keep writing and thinking! You're almost there!

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