Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Final work day


Things here continue to be difficult but I have been comforted by so many friends and family - I can't imagine not having all of that support.

A very hard part of it for me is not being there with you during this week.  Today is the last class day you will have to work on it.  Please be sure to read the "planning and expectations" step for today on the planning and expectations handout ( you can click on that to see it).

The paper is due Monday. Because of the nature of the assignment - many of you may have it saved as multiple documents - I'll just have you turn it in on paper.  Even if you are not in class or school I need to have it on Monday.  Students who miss that date for any reason should assume they will be taking a final.

I didn't mean for that last part to sound so unpleasant - I just wanted to be clear.  The reality is I am so very excited for you, and I'm sure you are too, to complete this project and to read what you have to say.  I'm very much looking forward to seeing you all again for our final few days together.

Wishing you deep thoughts and the skills to articulate them clearly - knowing you all have both of these.

Mr. Rigler

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Last two days

I'm still in New Jersey and will be here for the rest of the week.
I'm sure you are all working hard and I'm sorry I can't be there with you.
Hopefully you are using each other or conferencing with people in the ARC or other teachers if you need.
I'll try to answer questions by e-mail over the next day or so.
Otherwise, keep following the steps as you move to the final version of your essay.
For today, some things to keep in mind:

  • - Examine and re-consider the structure and flow of your essay.  Do the different questions, and your “answers” to them, build onto each other?  By the end of each section, is there a clear sense of what all of the terms mean, and what ideas you are advancing about the philosophical question?  
    - Share your paper with several other people – do they understand what you are expressing?  Are your points clear?
    - Think about all of the questions I typically ask you, and the feedback you received on other assignments from the year.

    Keep writing and thinking! You're almost there!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Philosophy and Reality


I'm writing to you tonight from my childhood home in New Jersey because my father died yesterday.  It was sudden, unexpected, and blessedly quick.  I'll need to be here for a few days, needless to say.  It also goes without say that I'll be doing a lot of personal philosophical reflecting and coping.

As for your work, I don't think a sub needs to say much of anything to you.  You have all of the directions and now you have the time.  Between today and tomorrow you should have a first draft together, or at least a clear path to one.  I'm hoping you are all in good shape with your research and writing because I'm afraid I won't be able to offer much assistance this week.  But the way you have all been working, I have every confidence you'll be just fine.  No, more than fine - these projects are going to be something truly special.

I wish you good focus and a steady stream of words and thoughts.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Let's Talk About It!

It's dialogue time!

For section 4 of your project, you will engage in a written or typed dialogue with a peer about your topic.  The concept here is the idea that it’s important not only to have the courage of your convictions, but also the strength to have them challenged.
The two roles here are the “writer” and “responder.”  

Here is the structure for today:
  1. Open a new Word document - or perhaps even better, a Google Document - whichever you and your partner are more comfortable with.  Create a name for it (“philosophy dialogue” perhaps) and save it.  You will want to be sure to save your work at each step.
  2. Write an “opening statement.”  This paragraph needs to include both your question and a general sense of how you are answering it at this point.
  3. Switch computers.
  4. Responder reads this statement and responds with a paragraph that includes their answer to the question and reasons / justifications for it.  Then, the responder will ask a question, trying to dig deeper into the beliefs of the writer.  The responder may, but it not required, to use one of the following questions we’ve previously used to expand / focus philosophical questions:
    1. What are its assumptions and premises?
    2. What are its implications?
    3. What different types or contexts exist?
    4. When does / doesn’t it work?
    5. What do the specific terms mean?
    6. What are the reasons underlying the questions / answers?
    7. Who else shares this belief or perspective, and why?
  5. Switch back to your original computer.  Make sure you save your work.
  6. Writer now responds to this question with a combination of ideas, reasons, explanations, and examples.  This should conclude with a question back to the responder.
  7. Dialogue continues this way for the rest of the period.  
    1. Both sides are encouraged to challenge the ideas and beliefs of the other person.  The idea behind that is to push the writer’s thinking, to consider new possibilities, and to potentially reach new conclusions.  
    2. Feel free to add in personal stories or make up hypothetical situations ("would your beliefs hold true if...") - philosophy is always at its best and most challenging when it has to be specific and not just theoretical.
  8. You will be turning in this dialogue as is - the reflection on it will come in Part 5 as you link all of the sections together.  Don't worry about the grade here - jsut have an authentic dialogue for the whole period.
  9. Be sure to save your work after each exchange. 
  10. Print out a copy to turn in with the rest of your work.  Please be sure to list the name of the responder.
  11. Enjoy the opportunity to have a powerful, deep conversation!
  12. For tunes this time, check out the TIny Desk Concert below

Starting to see the big picture?

By today you should have a good sense of the variety of ideas, issues, and sub-questions involved in answering your question.  This will help you to break it down into pieces to write about in each section, and help you to organize them into a clear flow of ideas.

For tomorrow, the flow will be a little different as we engage in written partner dialogues.  These will take the entire period - and will complete that section of your assignment - so do not plan on having other writing time during class tomorrow.

The music selection for today is from one of my all-time favorite jazz musicians: John Coltrane.  It is the title tune from his "Blue Train" record - I hope you dig it!