Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Philosophy Project - Time to Focus


I hope you enjoyed your last set of late-arrival days!  Hard to believe how quickly the time is going.

Today there are a few suggested components:

  1. If you submitted your question proposal to me, you can read my comments in turnitin.com. If you have not yet submitted your question, let's just say getting to that today would be a great idea.
  2. Check out the planning and expectations guide I have created for you.  It names a step for each day and a suggested progression for the overall project.  Note that none of these are required check-ins.  However, if at any point you want to show me what you've written, or sit and discuss something you've read, or anything, let's make that happen.
  3. Get started with Part 1.  See my suggested steps on the guide above.
  4. Look around at some of the websites I've listed to get a preliminary sense of the different ways in which other philosophers have written about your topic.

If you've read this far and want some great tunes to work with today, I'll be posted something each day.  For a Wednesday afternoon, I recommend jamming out to this live show from a band I've been listening to for over twenty-five year - Widespread Panic.  This is a show they played in Florida over the weekend and captures them at their finest.  Let me know if you love it, hate it, or want to know more!

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