Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life of Pi - your questions

Here are your questions about the novel:

  • What does a person need to survive?  How does hopehelp a person survive?
  • Does Pi train Richard Parker, or does RP train Pi?
  • Can a person believe in many gods?
  • How does fear help a person survive and believe?
  • How can animals provide hope for survival?
  • Is having a companion in a surviaval situation what keeps Pi from death and despair?
  • When you lose everything, what do you need to survive?
  • When Pi gets stranded in the Pacific Ocean how does his need to survive interfere with his moral values?
  • What knowledge will transform someone's perception of the truth?
  • At what point does fantasy become reality for pi, possibly "blinding" him?
  • When stranded out in the middle of nowhere, on boat, what kind of motivation/hope will drive you to survive and what kind of elements will provide you with this motivation: such as Science, Religion, or even the freedom to do what you want? Then let’s say you do survive, how will you tell your story, as a media perspective and spice the story up, or tell the brutal truth that can horror people?
  • Throughout the book we can argue that Richard Parker saves Pi and keeps him alive, but does God and religion play a bigger factor in keeping him going; and when Pi is supposedly talking to Richard Parker, is he actually talking to God? 
  • At what point should Pi let survival overcome his morals and beliefs?
  • What is god's role/purpose for the discovery and nature of the island?
  • How does the source of Pi's motivation change over time?
  • Why is it that the "better story"/the truth sometimes the harder one to stick to in the face of others?
  • What will you do in order to survive?  How far will you push beyond yourself and your morals?
  • When the book talks about adaptation, does it mean we are motivated to adapt out of fear? If so, then does this fear influence us to act out in abnormal and sometimes savage ways?
  • How does fear influence Pi's perception of animals?
  • Does having a companion in times of survival help someone have hope for their future?
  • How does perception alter the conflict of fiction vs. reality?
  • Does survival take precedent over one’s personal morals, and by doing so, change one’s identity?
  • How does one’s faith in G-d and religion change their perception of occurrences?
  • Does faith, belief, and fear change how one perceives both of Pi’s stories?
  • Why is the humanistic behavior displayed in animals more acceptable than the animalistic behavior displayed in humans? How do the elements of belief, G-d, and fear create a better story?
  • How do the elements of belief, G-d, and fear create a better story?
  • Pi is someone that has strength, and motivation to live in a time of fear, but how was he able to push aside the death of his family? Through God/Religion, Hope or something different?
  • How do needs motivate?
  • Can you kill and still hold true to your morals?
  • Does loss makes someone’s faith stronger or weaker?

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