Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The God of Small Things - Issues, Conflicts, and Plot

Notes from 11-20

Caste System
- born into it
- can't change
- limited interaction with people from other levels
- Hindu faith

Older vs. Younger generation
- sense of guilt
- meodernity
- change of laws in 1955 making discrimination illegal

Plot points
- Sophie's death
- Esthat's issues: returned, sexual abuse
- Velutha (& Ammu)
- Ammu's death and divorce
- Rahel and Estha's experiences (funerals they go to / don't)

- older vs. younger generation
- tradition vs. modernity
- religion vs. law
- past vs. present
- British vs. Indian
- Parents vs. children (generational conflict)
- Marriage / Love Laws

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