Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The God of Small Things - Issues, Conflicts, and Plot

Notes from 11-20

Caste System
- born into it
- can't change
- limited interaction with people from other levels
- Hindu faith

Older vs. Younger generation
- sense of guilt
- meodernity
- change of laws in 1955 making discrimination illegal

Plot points
- Sophie's death
- Esthat's issues: returned, sexual abuse
- Velutha (& Ammu)
- Ammu's death and divorce
- Rahel and Estha's experiences (funerals they go to / don't)

- older vs. younger generation
- tradition vs. modernity
- religion vs. law
- past vs. present
- British vs. Indian
- Parents vs. children (generational conflict)
- Marriage / Love Laws

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The God of Small Things - Resources

As we start our next text, Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things, I've collected a number of resources to help you with your reading.  You will find them under the "Helpful Links" tab at the top of the page, as well as within this post.

The God of Small Things study guide and glossary