Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Here are the PowerPoint slides I shared in class when I introduced the philosophy of Existentialism:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Stranger - Six Word Stories

Today in class you wrote a 6-word version of the relationship between Meursault and different characters in chapters 4 and 5 of part 1.  Here they are;

Chapter 4 - Meursault and Marie
  • no emotional commitment - a physical desire
  • physically attached but not emotionally attached
  • Marie's clingy; Meursault's distant.  They're awkward
Chapter 4 - Meursault and Raymond
  • Casually ignoring elephant in the room
  • Raymond uses Meursault for meaningless friendship
  • Raymond dictates and confides; Meursault compies
Chapter 5 - Meursault and Marie
  • She's desperate; he couldn't care less
  • He's just not that into you
Chapter 5 - Meursault and Robot Woman
  • In love with someone like him
Chapter 5 - Meursault and Salamano
  • Old man rambling about old memories
Chapter 5 - Meursault and his boss
  • wants to obey but no obligation
  • they aren't close and don't care